Monday, December 13, 2010

kyrie eleison

To aid your internet browsing here are some useful links on kyrie eleison.

On Kyrie Wikipedia says
as innovative and adventurous, and it was subject to further interest in 1969 when the song "Kyrie Eleison" appeared in the movie Easy Rider .

On Kyrie (disambiguation) Wikipedia says
Kyrie may refer to: and the name for the section of the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist beginning "Kýrie, eléison" (Lord, have mercy)

On Eleison Wikipedia says
Eleison is Greek for have mercy and may refer to: Kyrie Eleison Christe Eleison -
323 B (14 words) - 14:10, 14 May 2008
  • Abbeydorney Abbey
    Abbeydorney Abbey, also known as Kyrie Eleison Abbey or Odorney was founded by the O Torna, chieftain of the region, in 1154 for the

    On Wikipedia says

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