Wednesday, December 8, 2010


To aid your internet browsing here are some useful links on zabernism.

On Saverne Affair Wikipedia says
73â€"134; Matthias Steinhart: Töpferkunst und Meisterzeichnung, von Zabern, Mainz 1996, S. 14â€"17; Heide Mommsen, Matthias Steinhart:

On Marcus Junkelmann Wikipedia says
Reiter wie Statuen aus Erz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern , Mainz 1996 (Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie / Antike Welt , Sonderband) ISBN 3-

On David Schoenbaum Wikipedia says
His 1982 book Zabern 1913 concerned the political fall-out from the Saverne Affair in 1913. and argued that the Zabern Affair was the

On Wikipedia says

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